Our journal publishes refereed articles and essays, as well as other texts and works on science such as book reviews, statements on science policy, statements on science, and doctoral thesis lections, both in Finnish and English, internationally.

Our aim is to further the spread of methodological articles that have been published nationally, to develop the methodological knowhow in Finland, and to provide a platform for writers to advance themselves as producers of scientific works. Through our extensive peer-review process we publish high quality articles and essays, to find out more, please visit out page on Peer Review process

We publish methodological articles and essays in various formats. The essays are primarily for speculative theorizing on methodological problems, and thus differ from the theory articles that address the methodological theory or practical methodology. 

In the spirit of open and free science, our journal does not adhere to strict themes or other such extremely limiting thematic constraints in our publishing. Furthermore, we do not set time limits for our writers for the initial transcript, as thorough and quality transcripts require time. We use CC-BY 4.0 creative commons licence, thus giving writers a lot of freedom in terms of reusability.

The publisher of our journal is the Finnish Methodology Society (registered society 3138981-3 in Finnish association registry).

As the publisher of Metodologia we are following the peer-review guidelines by Finnish Association of Scholarly Publishing and by the Advisory Board on Research Integrity (TENK) and using peer-review label.


Every article goes through the peer-review process. In addition to novel articles, we may, at our discretion, publish articles that have been translated into English from another language. If the translated article has already been peer-reviewed in another peer-review journal, the article is not necessarily required to go through the peer-review process again, assuming the information and ideas in the article are still valid and up to date. For more information about the process, please visit out page on Peer Review

Articles on Theory

The methodological theory articles focus on gathering the theoretical models and practical applications into one cohesive text. Unlike with general articles, the form in theory articles is based on forming and outlining theory that could be used in other methodological frameworks or studies that require methodological refinement. Thus, theory articles are crucial in future development of new methodological paths. The theory articles are expected to stress hypotheticals, as for the most part with new methods and new methodological compositions there hardly many practical experiences in utilizing said method. Hence, forming a theory most often involves methodological speculation for developing theoretical models.

Articles on Methods in Practice

The articles on practical aspects of methodology and methods describe and discuss the use of various methods. Traditionally, such articles are published in article collections in books, such as Avauksia laadullisen tutkimuksen analyysiin (2007) ed. Syrjänen E. & Eronen A. & Värri V. Especially with qualitative methods gathering materials, reviewing, analysis, and synthesis, methodological adjustments are required. In more advanced studies, the methods are not used in their purest form, as the formulation of research questions and broad materials separate the research from hypothetical practical solutions that are usually the focus of method guides. Aside from adhering to general scientific principles, the researcher is forced to enact individual solutions to support their study processes. Within these solutions often lies a key for methodological development, which is why we deem it important to publish articles on practical methodology. Furthermore, the researcher may develop their own methodological prowess by bringing their method forth in public, and by doing so they will grant other researchers a possibility to develop and refine their own methods. Thus, every article on practical methodology and methods is an investment on future research.


As a publisher we recognize a French-style essay on methodology as a form of scientific writing. While the strict article form is not always best suited for them, hypothetical methodological forays are still a vital part of developing methodology. The originality in essays often stems from freer forming and describing of thoughts, with which the writer aims to elaborate or develop genuinely novel points of view regardless of the usability of the method. The methodological usability can be considered a product of a further refined methodological essay. However, while more free as a form of writing, the essays are still expected to contain rational and sensible logic with referencing, analysis and synthesis, according to the scientific principles. As such, essays are not mere works of free writing on methodology, but rather scientific non-peer-reviewed hypothetical openings on method, or peer-reviewed open result-driven development of a method.

Book Reviews

We publish reviews on contemporary and novel works, as well as reviews on older works. As with contemporary methodological books, the reviews may also be on works that are already considered classics, or are otherwise older but regain a methodological value. We publish reviews on method guides, on methodological literature in general, and statements and opinions on scientific books in general. The reviewed works may also discuss methodological philosophy, or forming of information, or other such methodological subjects.

Statements on Science and Policy

Science and scientific agents do not exist in a societal vacuum, and require the support from universal and public critique. Political affiliation plays no part in who may write such statements. Our editorial staff aims to maintain total and scientific objectivity when publishing statements on science and policy. We strongly adhere to the freedom of speech and views.


We do not intend to just passively publish and then forget about the articles. On the contrary, we offer the option to, and encourage an open discussion on the articles in our journal and on the subjects in them. We see this as an important process for the scientific community to review and contrast the articles after the peer-review process and publishing. The discussions are limited to a couple of pages and should contain summarized and cohesive critique in the form of a discussion statement. Should they deem it necessary, the writer of the article may also answer the given statement by preparing and sending their own counterpart. If one article gathers a lengthy chain of discussion statements and counterparts, we recommend producing a book based on said discussion.

Doctoral Thesis Lections

We publish thesis lections on quality dissertations. We consider these lections as an opening to an illustrious scientific career that may hold surprising methodological value. The Discussions may also be directed towards these lections.